Ismael Andrade

Ismael Andrade






Kaffee details

  • Prozess:
    Pulped Natural
    Methode zur Aufbereitung des Rohkaffees
  • Varietät:
    Yellow Icatu
    Kategorie der Bohnensorte
  • MASL:
    Höhenlage des Anbaugebiets
  • Harvest:
    01/23 - 09/23
    Zeitraum der Ernte

This Brazilian Pulped Natural comes with a classic profile and brings with it aromas of walnuts, raisins and grapes. Everything expect from a coffee like that, it is balanced, sweet and has a huge sweetspot.

This coffee was imported by CTS Trading.


  • Free on truck:
    6,29 € / kg
    Farmpreis + Fracht / Zoll / Versicherung
  • Free on board:
    5,95 € / kg
    Farmpreis + Kosten bis zur Verfrachtung
  • Farm gate (€):
    5,95 € / kg
    Direkter Verdienst der Farm (€)
  • Farm gate (loc.):
    Direkter Verdienst der Farm (lokale Währung)

Ismael Andrade


11,99 EUR
inkl. MwSt.
The Farm
Fazenda Sao Silvestre

With a focus on quality improvement and product diversity, the São Silvestre farm was taken over by the Andrade family in the 1990s. Located 15 km from the town of Serra Do Salitre, at an average altitude of 1,220 meters, the Sao Silvestre farm is known for its beautiful terroir. It is known for its beautiful terroir, award-winning coffees and progressive processing methods.
The volcanic soils are perfect for growing the Yellow Icatu, Yellow Catuai and Red Catuai varieties. One of the best Naturals in Brazil are produced here. In combination with the natural conditions of the region and modern agronomy and processing, award-winning coffees are created that are appreciated worldwide.
After the harvest period (May - August), the coffee cherries are processed as "pulped natural", which is typical of the country. This involves drying the beans in the sun for around a week after removing the pulp. Compared to "natural" processing, this results in a softer acidity and a more accentuated body.
Thanks to its balanced, unobtrusive character, this coffee is a true all-rounder. It works well both as an espresso and as a filter, in a blend or as a single.

The history of the Andrade family began in 1901 with the cultivation of coffee on the Fazenda Capim Branco in Carmo do Paranaiba, High Cerrado, in the state of Minas Gerais. Today, Ismael Jose de Andrade is the third generation to run the company ABEX (Andrade Brother Exportacion) together with his brother Eduardo.
Ismael is one of the founding members of the BSCA (Brazilian Specialty Crops Association). Together with 11 other farmers, they were able to acquire an export licence and thus lay the foundations for fairer value creation. In 1991, the farm began exporting for the first time. Many international prizes, such as the Cup of Excellence in 2018, were won. This was followed by continuous investment in resource-conserving cultivation and innovative processing methods.
The latter can be seen in Ismael Andrade's micro-lots. They are characterized by their exceptional purity, variety of aromas and balance. Careful cultivation, hand-picking of the ripest cherries and precise processing result in coffees with incomparable freshness and complexity. Every coffee bean is hand-picked and inspected using the latest technology to ensure that only the best beans make it into the final microlots.

Ismael Andrade attaches great importance to sustainability and supporting local communities. He works closely with local coffee farmers and supports them in improving their farming methods. By trading directly with the farmers, Ismael Andrade helps to achieve fair prices and promote the long-term development of the coffee regions.

The Farm
Fazenda Sao Silvestre

With a focus on quality improvement and product diversity, the São Silvestre farm was taken over by the Andrade family in the 1990s. Located 15 km from the town of Serra Do Salitre, at an average altitude of 1,220 meters, the Sao Silvestre farm is known for its beautiful terroir. It is known for its beautiful terroir, award-winning coffees and progressive processing methods.
The volcanic soils are perfect for growing the Yellow Icatu, Yellow Catuai and Red Catuai varieties. One of the best Naturals in Brazil are produced here. In combination with the natural conditions of the region and modern agronomy and processing, award-winning coffees are created that are appreciated worldwide.
After the harvest period (May - August), the coffee cherries are processed as "pulped natural", which is typical of the country. This involves drying the beans in the sun for around a week after removing the pulp. Compared to "natural" processing, this results in a softer acidity and a more accentuated body.
Thanks to its balanced, unobtrusive character, this coffee is a true all-rounder. It works well both as an espresso and as a filter, in a blend or as a single.

The history of the Andrade family began in 1901 with the cultivation of coffee on the Fazenda Capim Branco in Carmo do Paranaiba, High Cerrado, in the state of Minas Gerais. Today, Ismael Jose de Andrade is the third generation to run the company ABEX (Andrade Brother Exportacion) together with his brother Eduardo.
Ismael is one of the founding members of the BSCA (Brazilian Specialty Crops Association). Together with 11 other farmers, they were able to acquire an export licence and thus lay the foundations for fairer value creation. In 1991, the farm began exporting for the first time. Many international prizes, such as the Cup of Excellence in 2018, were won. This was followed by continuous investment in resource-conserving cultivation and innovative processing methods.
The latter can be seen in Ismael Andrade's micro-lots. They are characterized by their exceptional purity, variety of aromas and balance. Careful cultivation, hand-picking of the ripest cherries and precise processing result in coffees with incomparable freshness and complexity. Every coffee bean is hand-picked and inspected using the latest technology to ensure that only the best beans make it into the final microlots.

Ismael Andrade attaches great importance to sustainability and supporting local communities. He works closely with local coffee farmers and supports them in improving their farming methods. By trading directly with the farmers, Ismael Andrade helps to achieve fair prices and promote the long-term development of the coffee regions.



Coffee dripping through filter


  • Filter: z.B. Kalita
  • Kaffee: 15g
  • Mahlgrad: 24 Klicks (bei einer Commandante C40)
  • Wasser: 260 g (benutze möglichst weiches Wasser, wir empfehlen einen TDS von 85-100 ppm)
  • Temperatur: 93 - 96°C


1st Pour:  0:00 min —  35g

2nd Pour: 0:45 min — 120g

3rd Pour:  1:05 min — 190g

4th Pour:  1:45 min — 260g

Brühzeit:   2:20 - 2:45 min
Coffee brewed with Aeropress


  • Filter: Aeropress
  • Kaffee: 15g
  • Mahlgrad: 24 Klicks auf bei einer Commandante C40
  • Wasser: 230 g (benutze möglichst weiches Wasser, wir empfehlen einen TDS von 85-100 ppm)
  • Temperatur: 93 - 96°C


0:00 min —   50g
Drei mal umrühren

0:20 min — 230g
Setze den Plunger ein und ziehe ihn gleich nach oben um ein Vakuum zu erzeugen.

1:15 min  
Drücke den Plunger langsam bis 1:45 durch. (Wir empfehlen den Plunger nicht ganz durchzudrücken, da die letzen Reste eher bitter schmecken und so den Geschmack trüben.)