Las Perlitas

Las Perlitas






Kaffee details

  • Prozess:
    Fully Washed
    Methode zur Aufbereitung des Rohkaffees
  • Varietät:
    Pink Bourbon & Geisha
    Kategorie der Bohnensorte
  • MASL:
    1600 - 2000
    Höhenlage des Anbaugebiets
  • Harvest:
    Zeitraum der Ernte

86-point consistent quality

All coffee bought at our regional stations must meet a minimum of 83 points has to comply with certain physical quality standards. Las Perlitas is a combination of coffees with similar profiles of 86 points and up, of similar or better quality than any micro lot.

Our selection procedure is very strict, and we use the same standard with each micro-lot or constructed lot. Every small lot is individually cupped various times before being included within the main lot. In addition to cup quality, each coffee must meet strict physical requirements, including our moisture content and water activity guidelines. The first time a lot is cupped is when the producer brings a sample to our buying station. Upon approval, the producer will then bring the lot down to the warehouse where it will be cupped again, taking a sample from each sack to ensure consistency. Upon final approval, the parchment coffee is packed in grain-pro and remains untouched until the entire lot is milled.  


  • Free on truck:
    15,72 € / kg
    Farmpreis + Fracht / Zoll / Versicherung
  • Free on board:
    4.58 USD / lb
    Farmpreis + Kosten bis zur Verfrachtung
  • Farm gate (€):
    Direkter Verdienst der Farm (€)
  • Farm gate (loc.):
    Direkter Verdienst der Farm (lokale Währung)

Las Perlitas


18,20 EUR
inkl. MwSt.
The Farm
Las Perlitas group lot

What happens when multiple farmers produce excellent Micro-Lots, but not enough to make up for an entire lot? The answer is: Las Perlitas. In Spanish, Las Perlitas means “Little Pearls” and throughout the harvest, it’s quite common that small-holders in Colombia produce lots that aren’t large enough to be exported on their own. However, the quality is often just as good (or better) than samples received from larger lots. As such, we buy all coffees, regardless of size and create a larger, export-size lot based on cup score and profile.

Las Perlitas group lot celebrates various small lots from producers in Huila, Antioquia and Nariño. whose farms range in elevation from 1,600 to 2,000 m.a.s.l. and grow Pink Bourbon. In most versions, there is usually a mix of varieties, which include Caturra and sometimes Geisha, but with the amount of Pink Bourbon being planted in Huila these days, we created a 100% Pink Bourbon Las Perlitas (with a small touch of Geisha!).

The Farm
Las Perlitas group lot

What happens when multiple farmers produce excellent Micro-Lots, but not enough to make up for an entire lot? The answer is: Las Perlitas. In Spanish, Las Perlitas means “Little Pearls” and throughout the harvest, it’s quite common that small-holders in Colombia produce lots that aren’t large enough to be exported on their own. However, the quality is often just as good (or better) than samples received from larger lots. As such, we buy all coffees, regardless of size and create a larger, export-size lot based on cup score and profile.

Las Perlitas group lot celebrates various small lots from producers in Huila, Antioquia and Nariño. whose farms range in elevation from 1,600 to 2,000 m.a.s.l. and grow Pink Bourbon. In most versions, there is usually a mix of varieties, which include Caturra and sometimes Geisha, but with the amount of Pink Bourbon being planted in Huila these days, we created a 100% Pink Bourbon Las Perlitas (with a small touch of Geisha!).



Coffee dripping through filter


  • Filter: z.B. Kalita
  • Kaffee: 15g
  • Mahlgrad: 24 Klicks (bei einer Commandante C40)
  • Wasser: 260 g (benutze möglichst weiches Wasser, wir empfehlen einen TDS von 85-100 ppm)
  • Temperatur: 93 - 96°C


1st Pour:  0:00 min —  35g

2nd Pour: 0:45 min — 120g

3rd Pour:  1:05 min — 190g

4th Pour:  1:45 min — 260g

Brühzeit:   2:20 - 2:45 min
Coffee brewed with Aeropress


  • Filter: Aeropress
  • Kaffee: 15g
  • Mahlgrad: 24 Klicks auf bei einer Commandante C40
  • Wasser: 230 g (benutze möglichst weiches Wasser, wir empfehlen einen TDS von 85-100 ppm)
  • Temperatur: 93 - 96°C


0:00 min —   50g
Drei mal umrühren

0:20 min — 230g
Setze den Plunger ein und ziehe ihn gleich nach oben um ein Vakuum zu erzeugen.

1:15 min  
Drücke den Plunger langsam bis 1:45 durch. (Wir empfehlen den Plunger nicht ganz durchzudrücken, da die letzen Reste eher bitter schmecken und so den Geschmack trüben.)